Genesis #5: A Call To Rest (Gen 2:1-4)

I have a daughter who is 11 now and one of her jobs when she gets home from school is to take her lunchbox and put it by the sink. Then later that night, I’ll wash it and it will be clean and ready to go for school the next day. It’s a pretty simple system, that is I thought it was simple until I realized it was never ever happening. It was like pulling teeth to get this girl to remember the simple job of putting the lunchbox by the sink.

One afternoon, Sammy had a particularly busy day out of the house, and I saw the lunchbox on the living room floor and not in the kitchen like it should have been. Normally I would remind her when she got home, but I thought, eh she’s busy and this would be a nice thing I can do for her. In a rare instant of compassion, I chose grace over nagging. So I got the lunchbox, washed it, and set it up for the next day.

The next morning before school my daughter came into my room and said, “Mom! Look at this!” She showed me her clean lunchbox and how it was where it was supposed to be. 

Waving the clean lunchbox around and with a wide smile, she said, ‘The lunchbox is cleaned and ready to go. Aren’t you proud of me?”

Now listen, in my defense, I’m not a morning person. I was hardly awake and I had zero coffee in me. I squinted at what she was showing me, and trying to understand, I said, “What exactly is it that you think YOU have contributed to this situation?”

Still smiling and holding the clean lunchbox she said, “I put my lunchbox away yesterday and now it’s clean today. I finally followed the system!”

Leaning forward and with a sigh, I said, “Sammy, you left it on the floor yesterday and I was the one who cleaned it and put it where it should go.”

She stopped waving the lunchbox and shrugged saying, “Oh that’s funny. I really thought it was me.”

When it comes to our relationship with God, I believe there is often a misunderstanding of what we believe to have contributed to the relationship. We walk around waving God’s gifts in his face and find ourselves confused when God doesn’t applaud us for doing so. Life changes when we realize that the gifts and good things that we have in life are a gift from God and not a result of our sweet, although misguided, efforts. 

This Sunday we are going to continue our study in Genesis and we will finish up the creation story by discussing the 7th day of creation and the gift of rest that God models for us to follow. I know for me, taking time off and resting has often felt like an impossible thought. There are too many people counting on me that everything could fall apart if I’m not there every day to complete my work. The idea of rest sounds great, but the Bible has me questioning if it truly is possible for rest to be a reality in such a busy culture and season of life.

The sabbath and the idea of rest is something I began studying years ago and in my study, I have begun to discover the countless amount of times I start the day by waving clean lunchboxes around in God’s face. I invite you to join us this Sunday as we discover if the sabbath is something we should continue as Christians, to what extent, and what we should do when rest feels impossible. Our church service starts at 10AM- see you then!

Click here for a pdf of the teaching slideshow.