Luke #5: Trust Revealed In A Name (Luke 1:57-66)

This Sunday we’ll be reading Luke 1:57-66 as we continue our study in the Gospel of Luke.

The narrative will return its attention to Zechariah and Elizabeth in the birth of John the Baptist. To be fully immersed in the story, it might be a good idea to re-read vs 13-20 of chapter one. We’ll be doing that on Sunday as well. It’s important, because Gabriel proclaimed that his words would come to pass – compare v14 with 58. What is the result of believing that God will be faithful to his promises?

The controversy surrounding the naming of the child is somewhat lost on our modern Western society. We mostly pick names based on how they sound to us, but in the ancient word (and in many societies outside our own) choosing a name had profound significance. A name carried on a family legacy – which had an effect on more than just immediate family. Everything goes down according to tradition in the scene, until it comes to the name. Elizabeth usurps the process, at least in everyone’s eyes. What might we glean from this startling break with tradition, as it touches John’s future ministry as well as our own lives lived for God’s purposes?

There will be lot to consider in this short section. I hope you can join us, online via Facebook or YouTube, or join us in person. Please remember to wear a mask.

Click here for a pdf of the PowerPoint teaching slideshow.