John #38: Purpose Revealed In Prayer (John 17:1-26)

Prayers can come in all shapes and sizes. Obviously the prayer in the picture above is a joke, but I have to admit that it is not far off from some of the prayers I have prayed myself.

This Sunday we will be reading what is known as the “Farewell Prayer” or the “Priestly Prayer” found in John 17:1-26. By far this is the longest recorded prayer that Jesus has in any of the four gospels. This prayer represents the last words before the religious leaders and Judas arrive to arrest Jesus. Jesus chose to use those precious moments to pray for the disciples who are with him to the end.

Let’s put ourselves in the sandals of Jesus. If you knew that you were about to suffer, what would you pray for? Who would you be praying for? What would you ask God to help you with?

If you do read these verses ahead of time, I encourage you to note the way that Jesus addresses God in this prayer. Is he referring to God as King, Lord, or something else entirely? What are his choice of words meant to teach us about our relationship with God?

We invite you to join us this Sunday at 10:00AM for our study in the book of John. Let’s see what we can learn from these verses and let’s see what Jesus wants us to hear as He journeys towards the cross.

Click here for a pdf of the teaching slideshow