The Process of Unity (Ga 3)

This Sunday Janelle and I will have a conversation which continues our study on the subject of unity in the Body of Christ. The above video from the Bible Project is specifically about justice, but it carries themes that are integral to our understanding of the basis for God’s intention for a united family of faith.

We’ll be looking at Paul’s challenge to the church in Galatians 3, specifically v1-3, 6-9 and 26-29. Consider why his words would encourage us to aspire to unity across the many variations of Christ’s church. I’m looking forward to exploring this text together – see you then! And don’t forget, we’re participating in a Unity Service with Pastors United of Bay County, this Sunday at 4pm at Sharron Sheffield park in Lynn Haven. I hope you can join us as we unite to praise our One God and Father of all!